April 26-30, 2021


FLYBOARD is a multipurpose balance board that can be used on all its four sides.
- Allows swing movements to improve balance
- Activates "core" muscles to prevent back pain
- Facilitates post-traumatic recovery
- Guarantees stability and safety
- Prevents osteoporosis
- Helps postural re-education
- Boosts your workouts effectiveness and preserve joints
- Simply to use, no mat required
There are three versions on the market:
1. Flyboard "X" suitable for PT and Home Fitness
2. Flyboard "FITWELL" excellent for Clubs, SPAs and Fitness Centers
3. Flyboard "CUSTOMIZED" for those who want to personalize their brand.
Compact Ergonomic Ultra-resistent Trasportable No Maintenance No Mat

Pesaro, Italia
BodyFly System is an Italian company that since 2014 has been organizing the production and sale of the "Flyboard Tool - Balance Board" product and training courses for instructors.