People Pasta Soffiata al Rosmarino
eople Pasta Soffiata può essere gustata in ogni momento della giornata, il processo di produzione brevettato infatti rende People Pasta Soffiata subito pronta da mangiare, va bene in qualsiasi momento in base alle proprie abbitudini e gusti alimentari, mangiala per colazione, durante gli spuntini di metà mattinata per merenda o durante i pasti principali, provala nelle insalate nelle zuppe o semplicemente così com’è
Passignano sul Trasimeno,
Please allow me to take this opportunity to bring our Italian company to your attention, we produce Organic Puffed Cereals, and we have been in business for over 30 years. Please find attached our catalogs and presentation of our brand new Puffed Pasta, our patented food product. We managed to transform Italian Pasta into a new and revolutionary ready-to-eat snack.
We found a new way to “cook” Pasta, by puffing it, transforming this food into a ready-to-eat product, and it is available in multiple delicious Italian flavors (tomato, pesto, rosemary, cheese, and many more), one of the main features of our product is the low glycemic index, our Pasta is suitable for everyone, even for those with gluten intolerance.
Now eating Italian pasta is as easy as eating potato chips, wherever and whenever you want, without the need for cooking.
Thank you for your kind attention, we would be honored if you would consider the opportunity for a collaboration with our company.